Dr. Juwairia Alali
President of Emirates Cardiac Society
Consultant Non-Invasive Cardiologist
Rashid Hospital
Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Dr. Juwairia is a Consultant Non-Invasive Cardiologist in Rashid hospital. She is an active member of Emirates Cardiac Society and is the current president. She is the first women to hold this title in the Arabian gulf countries. She has been part of the scientific committee for Emirates Cardiac Society annular meeting for the past 5 years. She has both organized and participated in multiple educational activities, webinar and workshops over the years and has a great passion for teaching. She is also in charge of the heart failure clinic in Rashid hospital and has been on multiple advisory boards for heart failure therapy. She is currently the program director of Saudi board cardiology fellowship program in Rashid Hospital. She has developed the educational curriculum and organized the academic teaching in Rashid hospital cardiology department. She is also a faculty member of the Saudi board of internal medicine at Rashid hospital. She is in charge of the outpatient improvement program for the cardiovascular service line in Dubai Health Authority.